Sunday, April 17, 2011


I just wanted to start off my blog on a subject close and dear to me: music.

My favorite band: Amely.

Now, you probably haven't heard of these wondrous music makers, but now you will have the urge to look them up.


Petie Pizarro - lead vocals/guitar
Brandon Walden - vocals/guitar
Patrick Ridgen - vocals/bass guitar
Nate Parsell - vocals/ drums

Yes, all of them sing. That was not a typo. Petie belts out the catchy melodies, and the rest of the guys help make those catchy melodies sound even better.

The band is based out of Orland, FL., along with There For Tomorrow, and countless other bands. They started out playing local shows, and as their fans grew in numbers, they began to tour. Amely's first tour was with The Downtown Fiction.
The band continued to tour the nation, playing songs from their first EP, "On My Own". Amely played countless tours, like the "Rock Yourself To Sleep" tour, and "Rock Till' You Drop". Then, Amely holed up in North Carolina, where Patrick is originally from, and wrote songs for their debut album, "Hello World". After the release of "Hello World", Amely began their first headlining tour. As usual, the band tried to visit as many places as they could.
Me and my sister begged Amely to come to St. Louis on that tour, and to our astonishment, they did. They came just for us, seeing as how there were MAYBE 6 people that came to the show. We felt horrible, but even though St. Louis was a huge failure for them, they were happy that they could meet us. Petie told us, "Sure, there are some empty shows now and then, but fans like you guys are the ones who keep us going."

Amely recently released a Spanish version of "Sing To You". Just thought I would throw that in there. Just 'cause...everything is sexier in Spanish.

Now, after writing more songs in NC, they are releasing a new EP, "Live Under Lights". It features acoustic versions of "Hello World", "Come Back To Me", and "Sing To You"; all songs from their album "Hello World". It also has a new song on it, "I'm Not Missing You", which they played at Pet-A-Palooza. They also played it in a recent Ustream chat, on a guitar they are going to give to one lucky fan.

For the release of "Live Under Lights", which comes out on April 19th, they are touring with The Downtown Fiction for a second time on the "Let's Be Animals" tour. He Is We and Cady Groves will also be on the tour. I, for one, am really excited for this upcoming tour. Why? Because the first date is St. Louis. YES.  ^(*O*)^

I love Amely's music because I can listen to just one song all day, yet never get tired of it. The lyrics are easy to relate to, and you find yourself humming melodies; whether it be vocal, or guitar. It's not unusual for me to be seen tapping out drum parts with my fingers on my desk at school. The songs are just plain infectious.

Dear Controlling Parents, 
                         Amely's songs don't have anything about drugs, alcohol, or sex in them, unless you count their cover of "Tonight" by Enrique Iglesias
Sincerely, Let Your Poor Child Listen To Some Good Music.

Even the members themselves are amazing. They love every one of their fans, and they try to show it. It's common to see the guys chillin' with some fans before and after shows. (They really like it when you bring Gushers.) When Petie sings, he enjoys pointing at the fans, who are already about to have a heart attack from the greatness of the music. And you can't forget the merch guy! Amely's long time friend, and merch guy, Paul M Rogers, loved talking to, and hanging out with fans just as much as the band did. Paul even attained his own fan club. (@TeamPaulRogers on Twitter). His Twitter username is @MerchGuyPaul. Unfortunately, he can not handle merch for Amely on the "Let's Be Animals" tour, but everyone hopes he can make it back soon.

If you are already a fan of theirs, you should join the street team. Amely's Street Team is run by a fan herself, and she tries her best to run everything as smoothly as possible.
Hey, free stuff; and for a good cause, too: promoting wonderful artists.

Amely's Facebook:
Amely's Twitter:!/AmelyMusic
Amely's Myspace:
Amely's YouTube: and

Pre-Order "Live Under Lights":
Guitar Contest:

AmelyST's Facebook:
AmelyST's Twitter:!/amelyst
AmwlyST's Tumblr:

Email the Amely Street Team if you want to join, if you have a couple questions, or even email her just to say how amazing she is at .

You smell like a rainbow.